Sunday, April 24, 2011

Doctor Who: Season 6 Episode 1-AKA Spoilers!

First off, you just read the word spoilers in Rivers voice didnt you? Thats ok, when i wrote it out, it was her voice that was in my head.

So I just watched the season premiere of Doctor Who Yesterday.
 The Impossible Astronaut.

AMAZING. You have done it again Moffat. All i could think about at work today was the mind fuck that you played on me. 
The Doctor dies, but hes still alive.
Amy is sick but River shows the same symptoms.
Rory might be dead...AGAIN!
And the silence? Scary!

So here is my theory on what is going on in the first episode and how I have fooled myself into behaving rationally until i find out what happens on Saturday.

SO in the first 10 minutes we see the Doctor die. I however believe that this is not when the doctor will die. here is why. 
River tells us herself that every time she and the Doctor meet, her past is the doctors future. 
So first off, When River first meets the Doctor, The Doctor would be at his oldest. So if at the beginning of the Impossible Astronaut, The doctor says hes 1103 years old. I would assume River would know the rough age of the Doctor when she first meets him, which means two things.
The Doctor Just met River. River knows this and what she does after he dies is what has to be done 
River realized that the Doctor hasnt met her yet and what she does after he dies is to help change the outcome but she cant tell Rory and Amy because of Spoilers.
She knows everything.

Next- When the Doctor (David then Matt) First meet River, i believe she mentions that they looked younger than what she was use to. or they were an earlier regeneration. Which gives to the possibility that River sees another regeneration from the Doctor, making The Doctors' (Matt) death in episode 1 highly unlikely, which again leaves me thinking that River knows more than shes letting on.

Also when they are in the Diner, They are synchronizing their journals. If the Doctor had come to the point in his time stream that at 1103yrs, he had first encountered River (on rivers point of view) wouldnt he have done everything with River? there for not needing to synchronize the journal having experienced everything he will?
awe, dont look so sad. Im just an American Nutcase. Im sure you have some sort of plot twist that will rival anything i can dream up. You're Steven Moffat.

What do you guys think? any other kind of theories?

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